Premier league covid

Premier League COVID-19 protocols for fans: FAQs

It is recommended that fans bring a face covering with them and wear it while indoors or in crowded areas, including on public transport if this is how you …

All you need to know if you are planning to attend Premier League matches

Latest statement on results of COVID-19 tests – Premier League

Latest statement on results of COVID-19 tests

The Premier League can today confirm that between Monday 28 March and Sunday 3 April, 2,698 players and club staff were tested for COVID-19.

See the results from the COVID-19 testing between 28 March and 3 April

Premier League confirms updated COVID-19 guidance for fans

29 jan. 2022 — The Premier League and clubs will continue to urge fans to follow public health guidance to keep each other safe on a matchday, including …

See what the UK Government’s easing of restrictions means for match-going supporters

Coronavirus: Clubs support in the community – Premier League

Coronavirus: Clubs support in the community

See the ways in which Premier League teams and their foundations helped local people and health services during the 2020 lockdown.

See the ways in which Premier League teams and their foundations helped local people and health services during the 2020 lockdown

Covid stoppar ännu en Premier League-match

24 dec. 2021 — “Vår Premier League-match i Burnley på annandagen har skjutits upp på grund av ett coronautbrott”, skriver klubben. Annandagsmatchen är en i …

Chocksiffrorna – rekordmånga smittade i Premier League

Rekordmånga smittade med covid i Premier League

27 dec. 2021 — 15 matcher i december har fått skjutas upp i Premier League på grund av covid. Nu visar nya siffror att över 100 spelare.

15 matcher i december har fått skjutas upp i Premier League på grund av covid. Nu visar nya siffror att över 100 spelare

Nya Covid-regler för Premier League – Arsenal Sweden

Nya Covid-regler för Premier League | Arsenal Sweden

26 jan. 2022 — Idag meddelade Premier League att man från och med 5 februari ändrar reglerna. Nu krävs att minst fyra spelare i truppen har bekräftad Covid-19 …

The Premier League and COVID-19 | Statista

This DossierPlus aims to outline the development of the Premier League and its’ financial situation in regards to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Premier League and COVID-19 – Get the report with graphs and tables on!

Covid stoppar ännu en Premier League-match – SvD

24 dec. 2021 — Ytterligare en match i den klassiska annandagsfotbollen i Premier League skjuts fram på grund av covid-utbrott.

Premier League Football | COVID-19 Testing Case Study

Prenetics underwent an intensive due diligence process and won the tender to get the Premier League playing again by providing robust COVID-19 testing.

Keywords: premier league covid